Download PDF version of the Code of Ethics
RCI, Incorporated
Adopted July 17, 2001 • Revised March 28, 2006
Introduction: The standards contained in this Code of Ethics are statements of ethical principles having broad applicability to members and registrants of RCI, Incorporated (RCI). However, the enumeration of particular duties and the proscription of certain conduct do not negate the existence of other obligations logically flowing from such principles. Conduct deemed unethical may be construed to include lesser offenses, such as aiding and abetting.
Members and registrants of RCI should also recognize that their profession and their practice may be governed by various laws and regulations regarding professional registration and the conduct of trade. It is their responsibility, therefore, to be familiar with those laws and regulations and to conduct themselves accordingly.
General Obligations: Members and registrants shall maintain and further their knowledge of the science and profession of roofing, waterproofing, and the building envelope, and shall maintain the highest possible standard of professional judgment and conduct.
Obligations to the Public: Members and registrants should uphold the letter and spirit of the ethical standards governing their professional affairs and should consider the full impact of their actions on the community at large.
Thus, a member or registrant shall:
I. Engage only in accurate, appropriate, and truthful promotion of his/her practice;
II. Be respectful of the rights of others in obtaining professional work or employment; and
III. Make only accurate, truthful, and appropriate statements or claims about his/her professional qualifications, experiences, or performance.
Obligations to the Client: Members and registrants shall conduct themselves in a fashion that brings credit to themselves their employers, and their profession. In addition to upholding the behavioural standards described above, a member or registrant:
I. Shall preserve the confidence of his/her client or employer and serve each in a professional and competent manner;
II. Shall exercise unprejudiced and unbiased judgment and conduct when performing all professional services;
III. Shall practice only in his/her area of competence;
IV. Shall decline any activity or employment, avoid any significant financial or other interest, and decline any contribution if it would reasonably appear that such activity, employment, interest, or contribution could compromise his or her professional judgment or conduct, or prevent him/her from serving the best interest of his/her client or employer, without making full disclosure to the client and obtaining the client’s consent thereto;
V. Shall neither offer nor make any payment or gift to any public official, private client, or industry representative with the intent of influencing that person’s judgment or decision in connection with an existing or prospective project in which the member/registrant is interested; and
VI. May contribute his/her services or anything of value to those endeavors which the member deems worthy. Further, a member or registrant has the right to participate in the political process and to contribute time and money to political campaigns.
Obligations to the Profession and Building Industry: Members and registrants shall:
I. Recognize the value and contributions of others engaged in the design and construction process and refrain from making false statements about the work of others and shall not maliciously injure or attempt to injure the prospects, practice, or employment position of others; and
II. Encourage professional education and research, as well as the development and dissemination of information relating to the design and construction of roofing, waterproofing, and building envelope systems.
Further, the following practices are not in themselves unethical, unprofessional, or contrary to any policy of RCI, and RCI members and registrants are free to decide for themselves whether to engage in any of these practices:
I. Submitting competitive bids or price quotations, including in circumstances where price is the sole or principal consideration
in the selection of a consultant;
II. Providing discounts; or
III. Providing free services.